Recept za prave Bosanske Mantije – Mantije recept! #303

Mantije staro tradicionalno jelo slično bureku, jedino razlika je u motanju. Poznate su Novopazarske i Sjeničke mantije a ovo je sada recept za prave Bosanske Mantije.
Kod nas u Bosni, pite su omiljeno jelo, tako da obavezno probajte mantije.
Sastojci za tijesto ( 3 jufke)
800 g brašna TIP 500
450 ml mlake vode
1 supena kašika soli
Zamijesiti tijesto koje ostavimo prekriveno 30 minuta da odstoji prije razvijanja.
1000 g mljevenog mesa – junetine
50 ml ulja
70 ml hladne vode
2 glavice crvenog luka
1 supena kašika soli
malo bibera
Za premazivanje :
150 g maslaca
50 ml ulja
Preliv po želji :
200 ml jogurta
3-4 čehna bijelog luka
so po želji
Tepsija prečnika 38 cm.
Mantije pečemo u zagrijanoj rerni na 250 stepeni od 30-40 minuta.
Služe se vruće sa jogurtom i bijelim lukom, po želji.
Pretplatite se besplatno za sve nove recepte.
Puno pozdrava!
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Ingredients for the dough:
800 g flour TYPE 500
450 ml lukewarm water
1 tablespoon salt
FIL: 1000 g minced meat – beef
50 ml oil
70 ml cold water
2 onions
1 tablespoon salt a little pepper
For coating:
150 g butter
50 ml oil
Preparation; – Add salt to 800 g of flour and knead the pie dough with lukewarm water. Cover the prepared dough with a transparent foil and a cloth and let it stand for at least 30 minutes before unfolding. – During this time, finely chop 2 onions, add salt, pepper and a little oil. For this amount we added 50 ml (oil can be omitted if the meat is greasy) 1 kg of minced meat, we used beef. Combine all ingredients and finally add a little cold water -70 ml. The mixture is ready – Melt the butter with oil to coat the noodles and mantle. – From the dough, we shape the noodles for development. We divided them into three equal parts and shaped, ie “rejuvenated” the noodles. Leave them prepared covered for another 15 minutes before developing. We covered it with cling film or a nylon bag and a clean cloth over it. – Put a “fly” over the table or it is best to use a cotton cloth to develop the noodles. Roll out the noodles with a rolling pin to the end of the table and then spread the ends of the noodles with your hands to make them as thin as possible. Sprinkle with noodles and oil over the noodles. Arrange 1/3 of the meat on the two longer sides of the table edge. Fold into a roll. Roll cut to a length of 3-4 cm. We got small pillows that we fold and arrange in a tray with a diameter of 38 cm. We previously coated the pan with a little butter and oil. Arrange the obtained mantles in a circle next to each other. Finally, when you are done, coat the mantles with butter. Bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for 40 minutes. Check everything depends on the strength of the oven in which it is baked. Pour a little boiling water over the baked mantis, very little, spread 50 ml with a spoon. If you want them to stay crispy you don’t need a bay. Serve hot with yogurt to which we have added chopped garlic and a pinch of salt. Pleasant!