Kako skuvati ukusnu boraniju How to cook delicious green beans

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Kuvana boranija je jedno od onih jela koje obavezno treba zapeci. Dobice se ukusno jelo kome sigurno nece odoleti ni oni “mrzitelji” boranije kojih ima u svakoj porodici. 😉
500gr boranije
300gr svinjskih suvih rebara i 300gr svinjskih sirovih rebara
1 crni luk,
4 male sargarepe
3 cena belog luka
solja pasiranog paradajza
so, biber, zacin, po ukusu
Cooked green beans are one of those dishes that must be baked. You will get a delicious dish that will certainly not be resisted even by those ‘haters’ of green beans that are in every family. 😉
500gr green beans
300g of smoked pork ribs and 300g of raw pork ribs
1 onion,
4 small carrots
3 price garlic
salt of mashed tomatoes
with, pepper, spice, to taste