File u foliji Sočan, fenomenalnog ukusa – Fillet in a foil Juicy, of phenomenal taste

Pozdrav…Ukoliko vam se svide moji snimci, pritisnite dugme “PRATI” crvene boje. Nista vas ne kosta. A ako imate svoj kanal, ostavite poruku ispod nekog snimka i uzvraticu pracenje. .
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Kada se ovako pripremi, dobijate pravu eksploziju ukusa. Obozavacete ga.
500-600 gr svinjski file, 1. kasicica senfa, biber, so, zacin, po ukusu, 10-15 gr putera, 2 pecene crvene paprike.
When prepared this way, you get a real explosion of taste. You will adore him.
500-600 g pork fillet, 1 teaspoon mustard, pepper, salt, spice, to taste, 10-15 g butter, 2 roasted red peppers.