Brze kiflice meke kao pamuk Fast rolls soft as cotton

Brze kiflice meke kao pamuk, Fast rolls soft as cotton, domaci recepti, brzi recepti, kolaci, hrana, kiflice, brze kiflice, meke kiflice, kolacici, tajni sastojak, milica bozic, rolls, fast rolls, soft rolls, recipes, domestic recipes, ingredients, cookies, cakes, food, domestic food, 600 gr brasna, 250 ml mleka, jedan svezi kvasac, jedno jaje, dve kasicice secera, jedna kasicica soli, 150 ml ulja, flour 20 oz, milk 2 to 3 cups, one fresh yeast, one egg, two teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of salt, vegetable oil 1 to 2 cups